A1 - Deep Drawing Process Combination for Manufacturing of Teethed, Thin-walled Functional Components out of Tailored Blanks
A2 - Extrusion Manufaction of Complex Extruded Functional Elements on Sheets
A4 - Incremental Forming Fundamental Research and Process Development for the Manufacturing of Load-Optimized Parts by Incremental Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming
B2 - Micro Elements Machining of Molds with Filigree Structures for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming
B3 - Surface Structures Generation of Predetermined Surface Structures by Simulation based Process and Tool Design when Milling Free-Formed Surfaces
B4 - DLC Coatings for Forming Tools Tribological DLC Coatings in Combination with Surface Texturing for Forming Tools to Increase Lifetime and to Improve Process Quality
B5 - Bionic Thin Layers Application of Nanostructured Bionic Thin Layers to Enhance the Wear and Friction Behavior of Forming Tools by Thin-walled Sheet Forming
C4 - Microstructural Analysis - FEA Analysis of Load History Dependent Evolution of Damage and Microstructure for the Numerical Design of Sheet-bulk Metal Forming Processes
T10 - Iterative forming process Development of a forming process to manufacture near-net-shape functional components with a gradient in sheet thickness (DFG/TCRC73 -T10)