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Last Update: 19.10.2020




The working group Materials is aimed equally at the subprojects from the process-side as well as material characterizing subprojects. Material characterisation forms an important basis for process design in sheet-bulk metal forming and for the description of the components' properties. The primary objective of the working group is to combine the investigations of different subprojects on material behavior and to support the exchange of information on the investigation methods used.



Head of Working Group




    • Besserer, H.; Nürnberger, F.; Maier, H.: Fatigue Behavior of Sheet-Bulk Metal Formed Components. In: Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A. E.; Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. Research Results of the TCRC73 2020, (2021), Cham: Springer, pp. 412-433
    • Wackenrohr, S.; Nürnberger, F.; Maier, H.: Fatigue Life Compliant Process Design for the Manufacturing of Cold Die Rolled Components. In: Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A. E.; Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. Research Results of the TCRC73 2020, (2021), Springer, pp. 568-585


    • Caspari, M.; Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: Shape optimization of a backward extrusion process using a non-invasive form finding algorithm. In: 23rd International Conference on Material Forming, 57(2020), Procedia Manufacturing, pp. 873-880
    • Besserer, H.; Herbst, S.; Nürnberger, F.: Ermüdungsprüfung von blechmassivumgeformten Bauteilen. In: Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik; 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover, (2020), Garbsen: TEWISS, pp. 100-104
    • Wackenrohr, S.; Bongers, S.; Herbst, S. ; Nürnberger, F.; Maier, H.: Entwicklung und Analyse der duktilen Schädigung beim Kaltgesenkwalzen. In: Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik; 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover, (2020), Garbsen: TEWISS, pp. 27-35
    • Clausmeyer, T.; Gutknecht, F.; Gerstein, G.; Nürnberger, F.: Testing of formed gear wheels at quasi-static and elevated strain rates. In: 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (Edt.): Procedia Manufacturing, 47(2020), Elsevier, pp. 623-628


    • Clausmeyer, T.; Nürnberger, F.; Gutknecht, F.; Isik, K.; Besserer, H.; Gerstein, G.; Wernicke, S.; Schulte, R.; Tekkaya, A.; Merklein, M.; Maier, H.: Analyse und Modellierung von Schädigung und Versagen in der Blechmassivumformung. In: Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A.; Tekkaya, A. E. (Edt.): 4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, (2019), Erlangen: FAU University Press, pp. 33-60
    • Odening, D.; Rauschnabel, E.: Blechmassivumformung im Bereich der Rohrumformung. In: Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A.; Tekkaya, A. E. (Edt.): 4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, (2019), Erlangen: FAU University Press, pp. 61-69
    • Söhngen, B.; Willner, K.: Parameter identification of strain rate dependent hardening for sheet metals. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 19(2019)1, published
    • Bryukhanov, A.; Gerstein, G.; Volchok, N.; Bryukhanova, Z. A.; Nürnberger, F.: Effect of Low-Temperature Annealings on the Change in the Level of Microdamage of Sheets of the Dual DP-600 Steel. In: Physics of Metals and Metallography, 120(2019), Springer, pp. 506-512
    • Lyu, T.; Löhnert, S.; Wriggers, P.: 3D Dynamic Crack under Cyclic Loading using XFEM: Numerical Treatment. In: J. Eberhardsteiner and M. Schöberl (Edt.): PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19(2019)1, WILEY-VCH Verlag, published


    • Besserer, H.; Rodman, D.: Micro-Scale Residual Stress Measurement Using Focused Ion Beam Techniques and Digital Image Correlation. In: QDE2018, International Conference on Quenching and Distortion Engineering, 27.11.-29.11.2018, (2018), Nagoya, Japan, pp. 32
    • Caspari, M.; Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: Illustration of an improved non-invasive form finding algorithm. In: 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2018, 1960(2018), Palermo, Italy: AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 110003
    • Caspari, M.; Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A non-invasive node-based form finding approach with discretization-independent target configuration5(2018)1, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, pp. 11
    • Landkammer, P.; Caspari, M.; Steinmann, P.: Improvements on a non-invasive, parameter-free approach to inverse form finding61(2018)4, Computational Mechanics, pp. 443-447
    • Gerstein, G.; Briukhanov, A.; Gutknecht, F.; Volchok, N.; Clausmeyer, T.; Nürnberger, F.; Tekkaya, A.; Maier, H.: Evaluation of micro-damage by acoustic methods. In: 17th International Conference on Metal Forming (Edt.): Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 527-534


    • Caspari, M.; Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: Inverse form finding with H-adaptivity and an application to a notch stamping process. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2017, 2017(2017), Barcelona; Spain, pp. 88-99
    • Sieczkarek, P.; Wernicke, S.; Gies, S.; Tekkaya, A.; Krebs, E.; Wiederkehr, P.; Biermann, D.; Tillmann, W.; Stangier, D.: Improvement strategies for the formfilling in incremental gear forming processes. In: Production Engineering – Research and Development, 11(2017), Springer, pp. 623-631
    • Besserer, H.; Rodman, D.: Fatigue Behavior of Sheet-Bulk Metal Formed Components. In: Materials Science and Technology 2017, 08.-12.10.2017, (2017), Pittsburgh, pp. 859–864
    • Besserer, H.; Rodman, D.: Ermüdungsverhalten blechmassivumgeformter Bauteile. In: Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Innovationspotenziale in der Umformtechnik. 22. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover, (2017), Garbsen: TEWISS, pp. 221
    • Landkammer, P.; Söhngen, B.; Steinmann, P.; Willner, K.: On gradient-based optimization strategies for inverse problems in metal forming. In: GAMM-Mitteilungen, 40(2017)1, Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 27-50
    • Söhngen, B.; Willner, K.: Identification of nonlinear kinematic hardening parameters for sheet metal from biaxial loading tests. In: Oñate E., Owen D.R.J. , Peric D. , Chiumenti M. (Edt.): XIV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, (2017), pp. 373-384
    • Härtel, M.; Pfeiffer, S.; Schmaltz, S.; Söhngen, B.; Kulawinski, D.; Willner, K.; Henkel. S.; Biermann, H.; Wagner, M.F.-X.: On the identification of an effective cross section for a cruciform specimen. In: Strain, 54(2017)1, published
    • Gerstein, G.; Clausmeyer, T.; Gutknecht, F.; Tekkaya, A.; Nürnberger, F.: Analysis of dislocaton structures in ferritic and dual phase steels regarding continuous and discontinuous loading path. In: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (Edt.): TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, (2017), Springer, published
    • Gerstein, G.; Besserer, H.; Nürnberger, F.; Luis Antonio Barrales-Mora; Lasar S. Shvindlerman; Yuri Estrin; Maier, H.: Formation and growth of voids in dual-phase steel at mircrsocale and nanoscale level. In: Journal of Materials Science, 52(2017), Springer, pp. 4234-4243



      • 04.05.2020: Caspari, M.: Improving a node-based form finding approach to forming processes, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (online)


      • 12.02.2019: Caspari, M.: Node-based form finding with alternating number of nodes caused by remeshing, European-Latin-American Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ELACTAM-2019), Havana, Cuba
      • 23.06.2019: Caspari, M.: Improving a node-based form finding approach to forming processes, The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (Numiform 2019), Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA


      • 23.04.2018: Caspari, M.: Illustration of an improved non-invasive form finding algorithm, 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM 2018, Palermo, Italy
      • 22.07.2018: Caspari, M.: Node-Based Form Finding with Shape-Dependent Target Definition, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, New York, USA
      • 15.11.2018: Biermann, D.: Neue Entwicklungen für den produktiven Einsatz von Hartmetallwerkzeugen in kleinsten Dimensionen, Hagener Symposium, Fachverband für Pulvermetallurgie, Hagen


      • 05.09.2017: Caspari, M.: Inverse from finding with h-adaptivity and an application to a notch stamping process, XIV International Conference on Computational Plasticity Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, Spain
      • 11.10.2017: Caspari, M.: Shape optimization with application to inverse form finding and the use of mesh adaptivity, 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (GACM 2017), Stuttgart, Germany