Materials (funding period 2)
Last Update: 23.01.2017
The working group Materials aimed at both the project area Processes, as well as the material characterizing subprojects. The description of the material behavior is an important basis for the process design of sheet-bulk metal forming. The primary goal of the working group is to bring together the various investigations of the subprojects for material behavior.
In the second funding period, additionally the anisotropy of mechanical properties of semi-finished sheet metal products is taken into account. For numerical simulation appropriate modeling of the materials behavior is crucial. Next to the flow behavior for the identification of process limits the anisotropic damage modeling stands in focus. The necessary input data is gathered in the working group, prepared and made available to the subprojects.
For the exchange of the used analysis techniques, methods and results, the following workshops were conducted:
- Workshop: Characterising of semi-finished sheet metall products and non-distructive examination methods, at the IW and IFUM, Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (PZH), Leibniz Universität Hannover, August 2013
- Workshop: Analysis techniques and materialography, at the IW and IFW, Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (PZH), Leibniz Universität Hannover, August 2014
Head of Working Group
- Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A non-invasive heuristic approach to shape optimization in forming. In: Computational Mechanics, 57(2016)2, pp. 169-191
- Gerstein, G.; Bruchanov, A. A.; Dyachok, D. V.; Nürnberger, F.: The effect of texture in modeling deformation processes of bcc steel sheets. In: Materials Letters, 164(2016), pp. 356-359
- Besserer, H.; Gerstein, G.; Maier, H.; Nürnberger, F.: Specimen Preparation by Ion Beam Slope Cutting for Characterization of Ductile Damage by Scanning Electron Microscopy. In: Microscopy Research and Technique, 79(2016)4, pp. 321-327
- Isik, K.; Gerstein, G.; Schneider, T.; Schulte, R.; , .; Clausmeyer, T.; Nürnberger, F.; Vucetic, M.; Koch, S.; Hübner, S.; Behrens, B.; Tekkaya, A.; Merklein, M.: Investigations of ductile damage during the process chains of toothed functional components manufactured by sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016)1, pp. 5-15
- Besserer, H.; Gerstein, G.; Dalinger, A.; Jablonik, L.; Rodman, D.; Nürnberger, F.: Ion Beam Processing in the Sample Preparation for the Analysis of Ductile Damage in Deep Drawing Steels. In: Praktische Metallographie, 53(2016)4, pp. 221-236
- Gerstein, G.; Nürnberger, F.; Maier, H.: Evolution of void shape anisotropy in deformed bcc steels. In: TMS (Edt.): TMS 145. Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the EPD Congress, (2016), Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 173-179
- Isik, K.; Gerstein, G.; Clausmeyer, T.; Nürnberger, F.; Tekkaya, A.; Maier, H.: Evaluation of Void Nucleation and Development during Plastic Deformation of Dual-Phase Steel DP600. In: Steel Research Int., DOI: 10.1002/srin.201500483, (2016), published
- Gerstein, G.; Clausmeyer, T.; Isik, K.; Nürnberger, F.; Tekkaya, A.; Bruchanov, A. A.; Maier, H.: Experimental analysis of anisotropic damage in dual phase steel by resonance measurement. In: International Journal of Damage Mechanics, (2016), published
- Besserer, H.; Boiarkin, V.; Rodman, D.; Nürnberger, F.: Qualifying Electrically Conductive Cold Embedding-Media for Scanning Electron Microscopy. In: Metallography, Microstructure and Analysis, 5(2016)4, pp. 332-341
- Gerstein, G.; Besserer, H.; Nürnberger, F.; Maier, H.: Comparison of the Mechanisms of Void Formation by Plastic Deformation in Single- and Dual-Phase BCC- Steels. In: 2015 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Proceedings Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials, (2015), Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, pp. 75-81
- Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: Application of a non-invasive form-finding algorithm to the ring compression test with varying friction coefficients. In: Key Engineering Materials, 651(2015), pp. 1381-1386
- Landkammer, P.; Söhngen, B.; Loderer, A.; Krebs, E.; Steinmann, P.; Willner, K.; Hausotte, T.; Kersting, P.; Biermann, D.: Experimentelle Verifizierung eines Benchmark-Umformprozesses. In: Tekkaya, A. E.; Liewald, M.; Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung 2015 - DFG Transregio 73, (2015), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, pp. 91-110
- Schmaltz, S.: Inverse Materialparameteridentifikation von Blechwerkstoffen für ein anisotropes elasto-plastisches Materialmodell bei finiten Deformationen . In: P. Steinmann, K. Willner (Edt.): Dissertation, Schriftenreihe Technische Mechanik, 14(2015), Erlangen: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, pp. 1-171
- Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A global damping factor for a non-invasive form finding algorithm. In: G. Zavarise, P. Cinnella and M. Campiti (Edt.): Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 15(2015)1, Wiley, pp. 327-328
- Gerstein, G.; Besserer, H.; Jablonik, L.; Dalinger, A.; Nürnberger, F.; Höpner, A.: Präparation plastisch umgeformter Stahlproben durch Ionenstrahlbearbeitung für die Untersuchung von duktiler Schädigung. In: Schneider, G.; Zschech, E.; Petzow, G. (Edt.): Fortschritte in der Metallographie. Berichte der 49. Metallographie-Tagung Dresden, 16. bis 18. September 2015, 47(2015), Sankt Augustin: DGM Inventum, pp. 153-158
- Germain, S.; Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A comparison between a recursive method based on an inverse mechanical formulation and shape optimization for solving inverse form finding problems in isotropic elastoplasticity. In: P. Steinmann, G. Leugering (Edt.): Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(2014), Wiley, pp. 423-424
- Landkammer, P.; Germain, S.; Steinmann, P.: On inverse form finding for orthotropic plasticity. In: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 20(2014)4, pp. 337-348
- Schmaltz, S.; Willner, K.: Identification of material behavior via a Finite Element Model Updating strategy. In: P. Steinmann, G. Leugering (Edt.): Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(2014)1, Wiley, pp. 439-440
- Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A fast approach to shape optimization by using the inverse FEM. In: Key Engineering Materials, 611(2014), pp. 1404-1412
- Landkammer, P.; Germain, S.; Steinmann, P.: Optimum blank design by using the FEM based on inverse motion in orthotropic elasto-plasticity. In: P. Steinmann, G. Leugering (Edt.): Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(2014), Wiley, pp. 353-354
- Schmaltz, S.; Willner, K.: Comparison of Different Biaxial Tests for the Inverse Identification of Sheet Steel Material Parameters. In: Strain, 50(2014)5, pp. 389-403
- Faßmann, D.: Beitrag zur wechselseitigen Beeinflussung von Mikrostruktur und Blechmassivumformprozess. Dissertation, Berichte aus dem IW, 1(2014), Hannover: PZH-Verlag, published
- Lehmann, E.; Faßmann, D.; Löhnert, S.; Schaper, M.; Wriggers, P.: Texture development and formability prediction for pre-textured cold rolled body-centred cubic steel. In: International Journal of Engineering Science, 68(2013), pp. 24-37
- Salfeld, V.; Krimm, R.; Hübner, S.; Vucetic, M.: Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming of Symmetric and Asymmetric Parts. In: Advanced Materials Research, 769(2013), Switzerland: Trans Tech Publication, pp. 229-236
- Tillmann, W.; Herper, J.; Laemmerhirt, I.-A.: Tribological comparison of different surface topographies coated with chromium aluminium nitride. In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 44(2013)8, pp. 730-735
- Germain, S.: On inverse form finding for anisotropic materials in the logarithmic strain space. In: P. Steinmann, K. Willner (Edt.): Dissertation, Schriftenreihe Technische Mechanik, 8(2013), Erlangen: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, pp. 1-144
- 18.02.2016: Gerstein, G.: Evolution of void shape anisotropy in deformed bcc steels, TMS 2016, Nashville, Tennessee
- 26.04.2016: Besserer, H.: Ermüdungsverhalten blechmassivumgeformter Bauteile, Werkstoff- und Leichtbau-Forum, Hannover Messe, Hannover
- 06.07.2016: Landkammer, P.: A parameter-free and non-invasive approach for inverse form finding, 12th Int. Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Troyes, Frankreich
- 11.03.2014: Beese, S.; Löhnert, S.; Wriggers, P.: Nichtlokale Modellierung duktiler Schädigung für elasto-plastische Materialien unter großen Deformationen, GAMM
- 12.03.2014: Landkammer, P.; Germain, S.; Steinmann, P.: Optimum blank design by using the inverse FEM in anisotropic elastoplasticity, GAMM, Erlangen
- 14.03.2014: Germain, S.; Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A comparison between a recursive method based on an inverse mechanical formulation and shape optimization for solving inverse form finding problems, GAMM, Erlangen
- 14.03.2014: Schmaltz, S.: Identification of material behavior via a Finite Element Model Updating strategy, 85th GAMM, Erlangen, Germany
- 08.05.2014: Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A fast approach to shape optimization by using the inverse FEM, ESAFORM 2014, Espoo, FINLAND
- 08.07.2014: Schmaltz, S.: Inverse sheet steel material parameter identification via FEMU and DIC using biaxial testing, 16th ICEM, Cambridge, UK
- 25.02.2013: Schmaltz, S.: Implementierung und Anpassung eines Materialmodells für FE-Simulationen in der Blechmassivumformung, Donnersbach, Austria
- 09.04.2013: Faßmann, D.: Duktile Schädigung in der Blechmassivumformung Festigkeitseinschränkende Poren- und Rissbildung im Fertigungsprozess, 13. Werkstoffforum. Hannover Messe 2013, Hannover
- 27.05.2013: Schmaltz, S.: Sheet steel material parameter identification utilizing a biaxial tensile test and optical full-field measurements, PhotoMechanics 2013, Montpellier, France
- 18.07.2013: Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A new startegy to solve inverse form finding problems in elastoplasticity, EUCCO '13, TU Chemnitz
- 04.09.2013: Schmaltz, S.: Material modelling and parameter identification for sheet-bulk metal forming, COMPLAS 2013, Barcelona, Spain
- 12.09.2013: Beese, S.; Löhnert, S.; Wriggers, P.: Modellierung von Rissen in elastoplastischen Materialien unter großen Deformationen, XFEM
- 01.10.2013: Beese, S.; Löhnert, S.; Wriggers, P.: Modellierung von Rissen in elastoplastischen Materialien unter großen Deformationen,
- 02.10.2013: Landkammer, P.; Steinmann, P.: A new startegy to solve inverse form finding problems in aniostropic elastoplasticity, GACM 2013, TU Hamburg-Harburg
- 13.11.2013: Schmaltz, S.: Vorstellung eines Simulationsbenchmarks für die Blechmassivumformung, 2. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, Erlangen, Germany