Quality Assurance and Quality Management (funding period 1)
Last Update: 29.01.2013
The continuous use of the quality management’s techniques supports the handling of research projects in an efficient manner: The early use of the QM already allows carrying out the necessary alteration of a manufacturing process during its design, analysis and construction. Experience shows that later modifications that usually cause a higher expenditure can be avoided.
It is the working group’s intention to spread the knowledge of quality management techniques and to provide a basis for the interdisciplinary exchange of experience for the partners in the SFB, for instance concerning the application of Design of Experiments and the systematic planning of projects. Thus, the use of quality assuring measures is to be already guaranteed during the research and development stage for sheet metal forming.
The working group’s experience is going to flow in an expendable method’s construction kit for the development of new forming processes, which summarizes clearly the need determined static and methodically quality techniques during the sheet metal forming’s development. What is more, technical terms within the SFB/TR 73 are collected in a glossary, which guarantees an unambiguous comprehension and in this way promotes the communication between the projects.
Head of Working Group
- Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components by a single-stage Sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: D. Dimitrov; C. Schutte (Edt.): Proc. Conf. Competitive Manufacturing, (2013), Stellenbosch, South Africa: ISBN Nr: 978-0-7972-1405-7, pp. 177-182
- Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: A classification system for secondary design features for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Lindemann, U.; Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Y.S.; et al. (Edt.): DS 75-5: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), (2013), Seoul: Design Society, pp. 039–048
- Sieczkarek, P.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Tekkaya, A.; Krebs, E.; Kersting, P.; Tillmann, W.; Herper, J.: Innovative tools to improve incremental bulk forming processes. In: Key Engineering Materials, 554(2013), pp. 1490-1497
- Lehmann, E.; Schmaltz, S.; Germain, S.; Faßmann, D.; Weber, C.; Löhnert, S.; Schaper, M.; Steinmann, P.; Willner, K.; Wriggers, P.: Material model identification for DC04 based on the numerical modelling of the polycrystalline microstructure and experimental data. In: ESAFORM 2012 - Key Engineering Materials (Edt.): 504(2012), doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.504-506.993, pp. 993-998
- Weckenmann, A.; Akkasoglu, G.: Methodic design of a customized Maturity Model for Geometrical Tolerancing. In: Procedia CIRP, (2012), Netherlands/UK: Elsevier, in print
- Weckenmann, A.; Akkasoglu, G.: Maturity determination and information visualization of new forming processes considering uncertain indicator values. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1431(2012), pp. 899-911
- Weckenmann, A.; Werner, T.; Akkasoglu, G.: From Filtering Waste to Enabling Innovation - Facing the Challenges of Engineering in Quality Management . In: Quality - Access to Success, 13(2012)126, pp. 72-78
- Behrens, B.; Krimm, R.; Salfeld, V.: Process-machine interaction in Sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Key Engineering Materials (Edt.): (2012), pp. 999-1004
- Merklein, M.; Plettke, R.; Schneider, T.; Opel, S.: Manufacturing of sheet metal components with variants using process adapted semi-finished products. In: Key Engineering Materials, 504(2012), Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications, pp. 1023-1028
- Weckenmann, A.; Reithmeier, E.; Merklein, M.; Wartzack, S.; Behrens, B.; Akkasoglu, G.; Ohrt, C.; Schneider, T.; Salfeld, V.; Breitsprecher, T.; Plugge, B.: Methodengestützte Referenzvorgehensweise für neue Umformverfahren. In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb ZWF, 107(2012)1, München: Hanser, pp. 43-47
- Merklein, M.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.; Koch, J.: Überblick der Blechmassivumformung. In: Umformtechnik, 1(2012)3, Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 42-43
- Weckenmann, A.; Akkasoglu, G.: Maturity Model for the development of new forming processes applied to the Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: Key Engineering Materials, 504(2012), Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications, pp. 1011-1016
- Akkasoglu, G.; Weckenmann, A.: Systematic design of a Maturity Model for the Development of New Forming Processes. In: Journal of Management and Finance 10 (2012) 3, pp. 191-202. - ISSN 2084-5189., (2012), published
- Akkasoglu, G.; Weckenmann, A.: Design of a maturity model for new forming processes considering uncertain values. In: 2nd International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management (22.-24.11.2012, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien), (2012), submitted
- Weckenmann, A.; Akkasoglu, G.; Werner, T.: Paradigm shifts in quality management. In: 2nd International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management (22.-24.11.2012, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien), (2012), submitted
- Akkasoglu, G.; Weckenmann, A.: Systematically designed Maturity Model for Sustainable Development of New Forming Processes. In: 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing- CIRP supported (31.10.-02.11.2012, Istanbul, Türkei), (2012), accepted
- Behrens, B.; Krimm, R.; Salfeld, V.: Analysis of Machine Influence on Process Stability in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: 45th CIRP CMS (Edt.): (2012), pp. 36-40
- Weckenmann, A.; Akkasoglu, G.: Maturity determination of new forming processes considering uncertain indicator values. In: Key Engineering Materials, 502(2012), Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications, pp. 97-102
- Ziegler, P.; Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: Application of sensitivities on simulation-data-based metamodels during the product synthesis. In: Marjanovic, D. (Edt.): Proceedings of 12th International Design Conference, (2012), Dubrovnik, pp. 589-598
- Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: Architecture and realization of a self-leraning engineering assistance system for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Hansen, P.; Rasmussen, J. (Edt.): Proceedings of 9th Norddesign Conference, (2012), Aalborg (Dänemark), published
- Ziegler, P.; Wartzack, S.: Visualization of simulation-data-based metamodels during the product synthesis. In: Rasmussen, J. (Edt.): Proceedings of 9th Norddesign Conference, (2012), Aalborg (Dänemark), pp. 638-645
- Merklein, M.; Schneider, T.: Functional Integration of Sheet Metal Parts by Deep Drawing(2011), Steel Research International - Special Edition ICTP 2011, pp. 1036-1041
- Lehmann, E.; Schmaltz, S.; Faßmann, D.; Germain, S.; Weber, C.; Löhnert, S.; Schaper, M.; Bach, F.; Steinmann, P.; Willner, K.; Wriggers, P.: Identifikation eines Materialmodells für den DC04 basierend auf der numerischen Modellierung der polykristallinen Mikrostruktur und experimentellen Daten(2011), In: M. Merklein, Fr.-W. Bach, A.E. Tekkaya (Hrsg.): Tagungsband zum 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011, pp. 13-32
- Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming of Preformed Sheet Metal Parts(2011), Schweiz, pp. 83-90
- Behrens, B.; Krimm, R.; Bouguecha, A.; Salfeld, V.: Characterization of Horizontal Loads in the Production of Asymmetrical Parts(2011), published
- Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A.; Brosius, A.; Opel, S.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Plugge, B.; Schunck, S.: Machines and Tools for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: Key Engineering Materials, 473(2011), Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications, pp. 91-98
- Merklein, M.; Koch, J.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.: Fundamental investigations on the material flow at combined sheet and bulk metal forming processes. In: Annals of the CIRP, 1(2011)60, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 283-286
- Behrens, B.; Hübner, S.; Bouguecha, A.; Krimm, R.; Cahyono, T.; Salfeld, V.; Vucetic, M.: Blechmassivumformung - ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung komplexer Bauteile. In: Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.-A. Behrens (Edt.): (2011), published
- Plugge, B.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Brosius, A.; Tekkaya, A.: Untersuchung von Umformstrategien zum Einstellen mechanischer Eigenschaften von Werkstücken mittels inkrementellem Blech-Massiv Walzen (2011), Belfast, pp. 193-200
- Schulz, E.; Röhner, S.; Wartzack, S.: Prediction of the Friction Behavior of Lubricated Tribological Systems Containing Amorphous Carbon Coatings Using Artificial Neural Networks(2011), San Diego, published
- Weckenmann, A.; Behrens, B.; Reithmeier, E.; Akkasoglu, G.; Vucetic, M.; Ohrt, C.; Cahyono, T.; Hübner, S.; Kästner, M.: Appliance of the maturity method in the develpoment of endoscopic geometry inspection for sheet bulk metal forming tools . In: Total Quality Management & Excellence, 39(2011)1, pp. 11-16
- Salfeld, V.; Krimm, R.; Behrens, B.: Investigations on the process-machine interaction by forming parts with sheet-bulk metal forming(2011), published
- Soyarslan, C.; Plugge, B.; Faßmann, D.; Isik, K.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Schaper, M.; Brosius, A.; Tekkaya, A.: An experimental and Numerical Assessment of Sheet-Bulk Formability of Mild Steel DC04. In: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 133(2011)6, pp. 1-9
- Weckenmann, A.; Akkasoglu, G.: Maturity Method for the Development of Metal Forming Processes considering Fuzzy Input Parameters . In: Akkök, M. et al. (Edt.): 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds - DIEMOLD 2011 (23.-26.06.2011, Ankara, Turkey), (2011), Ankara: Atilim University, pp. 9-15
- Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.; Plettke, R.; Krimm, R.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.; Salfeld, V.: Integrierte Fertigung von tiefgezogenen Blechbauteilen mit Verzahnungselementen unter Einsatz von prozessangepassten Halbzeugen. In: M. Merklein (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 1. Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011, (2011), Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 159-180
- Reithmeier, E.; Weckenmann, A.; Behrens, B.; Ohrt, C.; Kästner, M.; Akkasoglu, G.; Hübner, S.; Krimm, R.; Salfeld, V.; Voges-Schwieger, K.; Vucetic, M.: Qualitätsorientierte Entwicklung der Blechmassivumformung . In: Merklein, M. (Edt.): Tagungsband zum Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011 - DFG TR 73 (13.-14.10.2011, Erlangen), (2011), Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 97 - 118
- Wartzack, S.; Hetzner, H.; Röhner, S.: Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 'Blechmassivumformung' angelaufen(2010), Konstruktion 11/12-2010, pp. 52, 62
- Wartzack, S.; Hetzner, H.; Röhner, S.: Neuer Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio angelaufen(2010), Bd. 105. ZWF 9 (2010), pp. 762
- Behrens, B.; Bouguecha, A.; Krimm, R.; Salfeld, V.: Consideration of Machine Properties in FE Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Processes(2010), 2nd International Conference on Process Machine Interactions (CIRP-PMI), Vancouver, Canada, published on CD
- Merklein, M.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.: Herstellung funktionaler Blechkomponenten. In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 11(2010), Düsseldorf: Springer, pp. 910-915
- Merklein, M.; Koch, J.; Schneider, T.; Opel, S.; Vierzigmann, U.: Manufacturing of Complex Functional Components with Variants by Using a new Metal Forming Process – Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: International Journal of Metrial Forming, (2010), Paris: Springer, pp. 347-350
- 19.08.2013: Breitsprecher, T.: A classification system for secondary design features for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming, ICED13, Seoul
- 14.03.2012: Salfeld, V.: Process-Machine Interaction in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, Erlangen (ESAFORM 2012)
- 15.03.2012: Opel, S.: Manufacturing of sheet metal components with variants using process adapted semi-finished products, Erlangen
- 15.03.2012: Akkasoglu, G.: Maturity Model for the development of new forming processes applied to the Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, European Scientific Association For Material Forming Conference ESAFORM 2012 (14.-16.03.2012, Erlangen)
- 18.04.2012: Akkasoglu, G.: Methodic design of a customized Maturity Model for Geometrical Tolerancing, . CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing CAT 2012 (18.-19.04.2012, Huddersfield, United Kingdom)
- 17.05.2012: Salfeld, V.: Analysis of Machine Influence on Process Stability in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, Athen (45th CIRP CMS)
- 24.06.2012: Akkasoglu, G.: Maturity Method for the Development of Metal Forming Processes considering Fuzzy Input Parameters, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds - DIEMOLD 2011 (23.-26.06.2011, Ankara, Turkey).
- 23.08.2012: Breitsprecher, T.: Architektur und Umsetzung eines selbstlernenden Assistenzsystems für den Einsatz im Umfeld der Blechmassivumformung, Aalborg (Dänemark)
- 17.03.2011: Weckenmann, A.: From Filtering Waste to Enabling Innovation - Facing the Challenges of Engineering in Quality Management, 1st International Conference Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management (17.-19.03.2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
- 06.06.2011: Akkasoglu, G.: Appliance of the maturity method in the develpoment of endoscopic geometry inspection for sheet bulk metal forming tools, 6th IWC TQM - Advanced and Intelligent Approaches TQM 2011 (06.-10.06.2011, Belgrade, Serbia)
- 28.09.2011: Schneider, T.: Functional Integration of Sheet Metal Parts by Deep Drawing, ICTP, Aachen
- 13.10.2011: Plettke, R.: Integrierte Fertigung von tiefgezogenen Blechbauteilen mit Verzahnungselementen unter Einsatz von prozessangepassten Halbzeugen, 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, Erlangen, Germany
- 13.10.2011: Ohrt, C.: Qualitätsorientierte Entwicklung der Blechmassivumformung, Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011 - DFG TR 73 (13.-14.10.2011, Erlangen)
- 09.04.2010: Schneider, T.: Manufacturing of Complex Functional Components with Variants by Using a New Metal Forming Process – Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, ESAFORM 2010, Brescia
- 10.06.2010: Salfeld, V.: Consideration of Machine Properties in FE Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Processes, 2nd CIRP-Process Machine Interaction, Vancouver
- 10.09.2010: Salfeld, V.: Determination of process machine interactions in sheet metal forming by means of optical measuring system, Braunschweig