B6 - Endoscopic Geometry Inspection (funding period 2)
Endoscopic geometry inspection by modular fibre-optic sensors
Project Status: finished
Last Update: 23.01.2017
Fringe projection offers a great variety of applications fields in geometry of free form elements. From large measuring areas that can be found in automotive car body parts down to geometry elements with sizes in the millimeter range such as gearings, it can be used for areal, holistic measurements. With advanced deviation analyses methods errors in fabrication lines can be found immediately after their appearance and rejections can be minimized. That makes it to an excellent tool the quality control in the production metrology.
However, there are still fields that cannot be covered by fringe projection. One of these fields is filigree form elements on narrow or internal carrier geometries.
To overcome this drawback, a fibrescopic micro fringe projector was developed. The new device is capable of resolutions of less than 15 µm with uncertainties of about 35 µm in a workspace of 3x3x3 mm³ and is used to measure form elements of Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming (SBMF) tools.
Nevertheless the speed of the system was, up to now, not sufficient for In-Situ measurements, meaning measuring times of < 1 sec. in the running process. Single image measuring methods based on the approach of inverse fringe projection will be adapted to the endoscopic system. The design of the fibrescopic fringe projector with a laser lightsource, a Digital Micro-Mirror Device and fibre In- and Out-Coupling optics and fibre optical image bundles (FOIB) creates high demands on the on the pattern generation and the involved ray tracing simulations to adapt an exact inverse image of a given CAD models.

Working Groups
- Matthias, S.; Loderer, A.; Koch, S.; Gröne, M.; Kästner, M.; Hübner, S.; Krimm, R.; Reithmeier, E.; Hausotte, T.; Behrens, B.: Metrological solutions for an adapted inspection of parts and tools of a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016)1, DOI 10.1007/s11740-015-0647-2, pp. 51-61
- Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Comparison of LASER and LED illumination for fiber-optic fringe projection. In: Proc. SPIE 9899, (2016), pp. 989905
- Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: In-situ fringe projection using coherent image fibers. In: DGaO Proceedings 2016, (2016), accepted
- Kersting, P.; Gröbel, D.; Merklein, M.; Sieczkarek, P.; Wernicke, S.; Tekkaya, A.; Krebs, E.; Freiburg, D.; Biermann, D.; Weikert, T.; Tremmel, S.; Stangier, D.; Tillmann, W.; Matthias, S.; Reithmeier, E.; Löffler, M.; Beyer, F.; Willner, K.: Experimental and numcerial analysis of tribological effective surfaces for forming tools in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016)1, Springer, pp. 37-50
- Pösch, A.; Schlobohm, J.; Matthias, S.; Reithmeier, E.: Rigid and flexible endoscopes for three dimensional measurement of inside machine parts using fringe projection. In: Optics and Lasers in Engineering, (2016), published
- Löffler, M.; Freiburg, D.; Gröbel, D.; Loderer, A.; Matthias, S.; Stangier, D.; Weikert, T.: Untersuchung von Tailored Surfaces hinsichtlich ihres tribologischen Einflusses auf Prozesse der Blechmassivumformung. In: Tekkaya, A. E.; Liewald, M.; Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung 2015 - DFG Transregio 73, (2015), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, pp. 131-146
- Hildenbrand, P.; Sieczkarek, P.; Matthias, S.; Löffler, M.; Besserer, H.; Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A.; Reithmeier, E.; Maier, H.: Inkrementelles Umformen dünnwandiger Funktionsbauteile unter Einsatz prozessangepasster Halbzeuge durch Verfahren der Blechmassivumformung. In: Tekkaya, A. E.; Liewald, M.; Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung 2015 - DFG Transregio 73, (2015), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, pp. 149-170
- Matthias, S.; Ohrt, C.; Pösch, A.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Single image geometry inspection using inverse endoscopic fringe projection. In: ACTA IMEKO, 4(2015)2, pp. 4-9
- Loderer, A.; Timmermann, M.; Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Schneider, T.; Hausotte, T.; Reithmeier, E.: Measuring systems for sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Key Engineering Materials, 639(2015), pp. 291-298
- Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Evaluation of system models for an endoscopic fringe projection system. In: MEASUREMENT, 73(2015), Elsevier, pp. 239-246
- Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Endoscopic fringe projection for in-situ inspection of a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: Proc. SPIE 9525, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX, (2015), pp. 952513
- Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.; Sieczkarek, P.; Tekkaya, A.: Forming tool inspection using fiber-optic sensor heads. In: João Tavares, Natal Jorge (Edt.): Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing V, (2015), London, UK: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 335-339
- Matthias, S.; Schlobohm, J.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Gegenüberstellung zweier Messsysteme zur Geometrieerfassung mittels strukturierter Beleuchtung. In: VDI-Berichte, 2269(2015), pp. 81-88
- Ohrt, C.: Development of a Measuring Endoscope for the In-Line Quality Control of Filigree Form Elements in Forming Production Lines(2014), TEWISS, published
- Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Camera and projector calibration of an endoscopic fringe projection system. In: Proceedings of 11th IMEKO Symposium LMPMI2014 (Laser Metrology for Precision Measurement and Inspection in Industry) ISBN 978-92-990075, (2014), published
- Reithmeier, E.; Kästner, M.; Matthias, S.; Schlobohm, J. : Endoskopische 3D-Messtechnik. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (Edt.): DGaO-Proceedings, (2014), published
- Ohrt, C.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: A device for endoscopic measurements of forming tools with filigree side elements. In: Optical Measurement Techniques for Systems & Structures² ISBN 978-90-423-0419-2, (2013), Maasricht: Shaker Publishing, pp. 273-280
- Ohrt, C.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: High resolution measurements of filigree, inner geometries with endoscopic micro fringe projection. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VIII, 8788(2013)1, SPIE, pp. 878817-1
- Ohrt, C.; Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: A DEVICE FOR ENDOSCOPIC MEASUREMENTS OF FORMING TOOLS WITH FILIGREE SIDE ELEMENTS. In: Buytaert J. (Edt.): Recent Advances in Topography Research ISBN: 978-1-62618-840-2, (2013), Nova Science Publishers, pp. 255 - 276
- Ohrt, C.; Andreas Pösch; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Potentials of Endoscopic Fringe Projection - A Differentiation of Measuring Video-, Fiber- and Borescopy. In: W.Osten (Edt.): Fringe 2013, 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology, (2013), Berlin Heidelberg 2014: Springer-Verlag, pp. 735 - 740
- Kästner, M.; Hausotte, T.; Reithmeier, E.; Loderer, A.; Ohrt, C.; Sieczkarek, P.: Fertigungsnahe Qualitätskontrolle von Werkzeug und Werkstück. In: M. Merklein, B.-A. Behrens, A. E. Tekkaya (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 2. Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2013, (2013), Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 101-118
- Ohrt, C.; Andreas Pösch; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: One Image Fibrescopic Finge Projection with Inverse Approach. In: 11th International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control, (2013), Cracow-Kielce, Poland, published on CD
- 03.04.2016: Matthias, S.: Comparison of LASER and LED illumination for fibre-optic fringe projection, Brüssel
- 27.02.2015: Hildenbrand, P.: Inkrementelles Umformen dünnwandiger Funktionsbauteile unter Einsatz prozessangepasster Halbzeuge durch Verfahren der Blechmassivumformung, 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung, Dortmund
- 24.06.2015: Endoscopic fringe projection for in-situ inspection of a sheet-bulk metal forming process, SPIE Optical Metrology, Munich, Germany
- 20.11.2015: Matthias, S.: Endoskopisches Messen mit strukturiertem Licht, 7. VDI-Fachtagung Messunsicherheit 2015, Braunschweig
- 12.06.2014: Reithmeier, E.: Endoskopische 3D-Messtechnik, Karlsruhe
- 02.09.2014: Matthias, S.: Camera and projector calibration of an endoscopic fringe projection system, LMPMI 2014, Tsukuba, Japan
- 07.03.2013: Ohrt, C.: Fibrescopic Micro Fringe Projection, Metromeet 2013 - 9th International Conference on Industrial Dimensional Metrology (invited talk)
- 22.05.2013: Ohrt, C.: Fiberskopische Geometriemessung auf Basis der Streifenprojektion, 114. Jahrestagung der DGaO in Braunschweig