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T03 - Tool sided Surface Modifications

Tool sided Surface Modifications in the Industrial Environment (DFG/SFB TR73 - T03)

Project Status: finished

Last Update: 05.01.2021


Within the transfer project T03 the potential of local tool sided surface modifications, so-called Tailored Surfaces, in the industrial environment are analysed and evaluated. For this purpose, relevant basic scientific findings and process knowledge in the field of sheet-bulk metal forming of the SFB/TR 73 will be used and transferred to the industrial application.

The background of this research project lies in the possibility of controlling the material flow during metal forming by locally adapted tribological systems. Based on this, the objective is to extend the process limits within sheet-bulk metal forming by modification of tool surfaces in the industrial environment. As a starting point for laboratory tests, a reference process for the production of a gear tooth geometry is abstracted by an industrial series process. The goal is to investigate the efficacy and the lifetime of tool sided tailored surfaces with this reference process. Abrasive blasting is selected as a material flow inhibiting surface modification and laser beam polishing as a material flow improving surface modification. Another aspect of the research project is the analysis of the effect of tailored surfaces on the fatigue behaviour and tool life of forming tools. To investigate this topic, rotating-bending tests of surface-modified specimens are carried out. In a final step, long-term tests are performed on an industrial series process with surface-modified tools to investigate the efficacy of Tailored Surfaces under industrial influences. Finally, the obtained results are summarized into process limits of Tailored Surfaces in the industrial environment.

Methodology in the transfer project T03

Working Groups



    • Wild, T.; Merklein, M.: Tool Sided Surface Modifications in the Industrial Environment. In: M. Merklein, A.E. Tekkaya, B.-A. Behrens (Edt.): Sheet Bulk Metal Forming, (2021), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 477-492
    • Wild, T.; Platt, T.; Biermann, D.; Merklein, M.: Analysis of the Influence of Surface Modifications on the Fatigue Behavior of Hot Work Tool Steel Components. In: Materials, 14(2021)23, pp. 1-15


    • Wild, T.; Merklein, M.: Analyse des tribologischen Einsatzverhaltens von modifizierten Werkzeugoberflächen. In: Bernd-Arno Behrens (Edt.): Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik - 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover 04. und 05. März 2020, (2020), TEWISS, pp. 35-42
    • Wild, T.; Bestenlehrer, M.; Merklein, M.: Analysis of the Modification of Tool Surfaces by Abrasive Blasting and Laser Polishing. In: Defect and Diffusion Forum, 404(2020), pp. 124-131