B3 - Surface Structures (funding period 1)
Generation of predetermined surface structures by intentionally invoked self excited tool vibrations when milling free-formed surfaces
Project Status: finished
Last Update: 07.08.2012
The subject of this project is to generate predefined surface textures by intentionally invoked regenerative tool vibrations when milling free-formed surfaces of the forming dies. The tool vibrations are supposed to be controlled by the length and the diameter of the used tool as well as by the engagement conditions between the tool and the workpiece. The adjustment of the process parameters shall be made within a simulation environment which shall be capable of rendering and exporting the resulting surface textures as a geometric model.

Working Groups
- Löffler, M.; Schulte, R.; Freiburg, D.; Biermann, D.; Stangier, D.; Tillmann, W.; Merklein, M.: Control of the material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming using modifications of the tool surface. In: International Journal of Material Forming, 12(2019), pp. 17-26
- Tillmann, W.; Hagen, L.; Stangier, D.; Paulus, M.; Tolan, M.; Sakarowski, R.; Biermann, D.; Freiburg, D.: Microstructural characteristics of high-feed milled HVOF sprayed WC-Co coatings. In: Surface & Coatings Technology, 374(2019), pp. 448-459
- Löffler, M.; Engel, U.; Schulte, R.; Gröbel, D.; Krebs, E.; Freiburg, D.; Biermann, D.; Stangier, D.; Tillmann, W.; Weikert, T.; Wartzack, S.; Tremmel, S.; Lucas, H.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M.: Tribological measures for controlling material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016), pp. 459-470
- Breitsprecher, T.; Hense, R.; Hauer, F.; Wartzack, S.; Biermann, D.; Willner, K.: Acquisition of heuristic knowledge for the prediction of the frictional behavior of surface structures created by self-excited tool vibrations. In: Key Engineering Materials, 504(2012), Trans Tech Publications, pp. 963-968
- Biermann, D.; Surmann, T.; Hense, R.: Korrektur von gemessenen Zerspankräften beim Fräsen. In: wt-online, (2012), pp. 789–794
- Biermann, D.; Surmann, T.; Odendahl, S.; Hense, R.: Creating Functional Surface Structures by Milling Using Self-Excited Tool Vibrations(2011), pp. 55–58
- Surmann, T.: Modeling and characterization of surface structures produced by milling(2011), Advanced Materials Research Vol. 223, published
- Biermann, D.; Merklein, M.; Engel, U.; Tillmann, W.; Surmann, T.; Hense, R.; Herper, J.; Koch, J.; Vierzigmann, U.; Krebs, E.: Umformwerkzeuge in der Blechmassivumformung. In: : Merklein, M.; Bach, Fr.-W.; Tekkaya, A. E.; (Edt.): 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, 1(2011)1, Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 119-138
- Breitsprecher, T.; Hense, R.; Hauer, F.; Biermann, D.: Akquise von heuristischem Wissen für die Prädiktion von Oberflächenstrukturen beim Fräsen mit regenerativen Werkzeugschwingungen. In: DFG SFB TR 73 (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 1. Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011, (2011), pp. 77-96
- Biermann, D.; Surmann, T.; Odendahl, S.; Krebs, E.: Surface Structuring by Milling with Intentionally Invoked Chatter(2010), published on CD
- 14.03.2012: Breitsprecher, T.; Hense, R.; Hauer, F.: Acquisition of heuristic knowledge for the prediction of the frictional behavior of surface structures created by self-excited tool vibrations, ESAFORM 2012, Erlangen
- 13.10.2011: Biermann, D.; Merklein, M.; Tillmann, W.; Engel, U.; Surmann, T.; Hense, R.; Herper, J.; Koch, J.; Krebs, E.; Vierzigmann, U.: Umformwerkzeuge in der Blechmassivumformung, 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, Erlangen, Germany
- 21.01.2010: Surmann, T.: Surface Structuring by Intentionally Invoked Chatter Vibrations, 2010 CIRP January Meetings, Paris