T06 - Tool wear
Project Status: finished
Last Update: 12.01.2021
The aim of this research project is to transfer the knowledge gained in project A7 regarding the influence of a superimposed oscillated forming and the further development of numerical wear modelling in an extrusion process. A process close to an industrial application in which increased tool wear occurs is being investigated within the scope of this project.

Working Groups
- Behrens, B.; Hübner, S.; Müller, P.; Matthias, T.; Müller, F.; Brunotte, K.; Wälder, J.; Wester, H.: Further Development of Wear Calculation and Wear Reduction in Cold Forging Processes . In: JMMP (Edt.): 5(2021)2, MDPI, published
- Behrens, B.; Hübner, S.; Müller, P.; Wester, H.; Matthias, T.: Numerische Berechnung des Werkzeugverschleißes an industriellen Kaltumformprozessen mittels der Weiterentwicklung der Verschleißmodellierung. In: 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover (Edt.): AKTUELLE ENTWICKLUNGEN IM BEREICH DER UMFORMTECHNIK, (2020), pp. 162
- Behrens, B.; Matthias, T.; Müller, P.; Hübner, S.; Wester, H.; Wälder, J.: Investigation of the Influence of an Oscillation Superposition on the Wear Behaviour in an Industrial-like Process. In: 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020) (Edt.): 47(2020), Procedia Manufacturing, pp. 315-320
- Behrens, B.; Matthias, T.; Hübner, S.; Müller, P.; Wester, H.; Wälder, J.: Numerical Calculation of Tool Wear in Industrial Cold Forming Processes Using the Further Development of Wear Modelling. In: Sheet Bulk Metal Forming, (2020), pp. 535-552