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A1 - Deep Drawing (funding period 2)

Process combination for manufacturing of teethed, thin-walled functional components out of tailored blanks

Project Status: finished

Last Update: 23.01.2017


The production of semi-finished products is realized by the manufacturing processes orbital forming and flexible rolling. Besides rotational symmetric tailored blanks, the manufacturing of cyclic symmetric and asymmetric tailored blanks with a defined sheet thickness distribution is object of current researches. For this purpose a mild deep drawing steel as well as a high-strength steel is used. In addition to the adjustment of a defined sheet thickness, current investigations are targeting the directed adaption of the mechanical properties by specifically altering the process parameters. This can be used to realize a local strain hardening in selected areas of the tailored blank.hd14

Geometric properties and strain hardening of tailored blanks manufactured by orbital forming

The second focus of the project is the fundamental scientific investigation of manufacturing functional components out of sheet metal by combined sheet and bulk forming processes. Therefore a single-stage combination of a deep drawing and upsetting operation is set up to manufacture a cup and to upset its wall with ongoing ram stroke. Beside the realization of gear teeth the calibration of pre-forms of features like the open carrier after the deep drawing operation is possible by upsetting. After the use of mild deep drawing steels in the first project phase, high strength dual phase steels were successfully qualified for their application in sheet-bulk metal forming processes.


Stages of the process combination deep drawing - upsetting for open carriers

Working Groups



    • Vogel, M.; Schulte, R.; Kaya, O.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of tailored blanks with pre-shaped involute gearings by using a flexible rolling process and its application in a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, (2021), accepted


    • Vogel, M.; Schulte, R.; Hetzel, A.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Verfahrenskombination zur umformtechnischen Herstellung von verzahnten, dünnwandigen Funktionselementen aus prozessoptimierten Halbzeugen. In: Bernd-Arno Behrens (Edt.): Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik - 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover 04. und 05. März 2020, (2020), Hannover: TEWISS, pp. 178


    • Hetzel, A.; Schulte, R.; Degner, J.; Merklein, M.: Maßgeschneiderte Halbzeuge - Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen zur Realisierung von Leichtbaukomponenten109(2019)10, Werkstattstechnik online, pp. 745-749
    • Löffler, M.; Schulte, R.; Freiburg, D.; Biermann, D.; Stangier, D.; Tillmann, W.; Merklein, M.: Control of the Material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming using modifications of the tool surface. In: International Journal of Material Forming, 12(2019), pp. 17-26
    • Vogel, M.; Schulte, R.; Freiburg, D.; Lechner, M.; Biermann, D.; Merklein, M.: Maßgeschneiderte Werkzeugoberflächen in einem flexibeln Walzprozess. In: M. Merklein, B.-A. Behrens, A. E. Tekkaya (Edt.): 4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, (2019), FAU University Press, pp. 89-108
    • Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of tailored blanks by orbital forming with a two-sided material thickening. In: Journal of Material Processing Technology, (2019), pp. 116491
    • Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Flexible rolling of rotational symmetric tailored blanks with a two-sided thickness profile. In: Procedia Manufacturing, (2019), pp. 139-146
    • Schulte, R.; Graser, M.; Merklein, M.: Enhancement of Forming Limits for Aluminum in Sheet-bulk Metal Forming by Local Laser Heat Treatment. In: Yannis Korkolis, Brad Kinsey, Marko Knezevic, and Nikhil Padhye (Edt.): Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, (2019), pp. 333-336
    • Schulte, R.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of functional aluminum components by using sheet bulk metal forming processes. In: Dimitrov, Dimiter; Hagedorn-Hansen, Devon; Von Leipzig, Konrad (Edt.): International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA 19) Proceedings, (2019), pp. 331-336
    • Hildenbrand, P.: Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Herstellung von Tailored Blanks mit definierten Halbzeugeigenschaften durch einen Taumelprozess. In: Jörg Franke, Nico Hanenkamp, Marion Merklein, Michael Schmidt, Sandro Wartzack (Edt.): FAU Studien aus dem Maschinenbau, (2019), Erlangen: FAU University Press, published
    • Schulte, R.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Fundamental analysis of the application of hybrid semi-finished products in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: 1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2019, (2019), published on CD


    • Hildenbrand, P.; Lechner, M.; Vogel, M.; Herrmann, H.; Merklein, M.: Orbital forming of tailored blanks with two-sided local material thickening. In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97(2018), pp. 1-10
    • , .; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of process adapted tailored blanks by a flexible rolling process using the aluminum alloy AA6016. In: Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 1224-1231
    • Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Oberflächenanalyse von Tailored Blanks hergestellt durch ein Taumelverfahren. In: Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Bruno Buchmayr (Edt.): XXXVII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium, (2018), pp. 91-96


    • Kirchen, I.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Hildenbrand, P.; Schulte, R.; Lechner, M.; Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Data-driven Model Development for Quality Prediction in Forming Technology. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), (2017), pp. 775-780
    • Schulte, R.; Frey, P.; Hildenbrand, P.; Vogel, M.; Betz, C.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Data-Based Control of A Multi-Step Forming Process. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2017), pp. 012037
    • Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.; Vogel, M.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Analysis of fundamental dependencies between manufacturing and processing Tailored Blanks in sheet-bulk metal forming processes. In: Procedia Engineering, (2017), pp. 305-310
    • Schulte, R.; Lechner, M.; Vogel, M.; Hildenbrand, P.; Merklein, M.: Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen aus Tailored Blanks durch Blechmassivumformverfahren. In: 22. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover – Innovationspotentiale in der Umformtechnik. 15./16.03.2017, (2017), published
    • Vogel, M.; Lechner, M.; Hildenbrand, P.; Schulte, R.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of tailored blanks by flexible rolling and its application in a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: Wieland (Edt.): Proceedings SCT2017, (2017), Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, published on CD
    • Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Designing, manufacturing and processing of Tailored Blanks in a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: Procedia Manufacturing, (2017), pp. -


    • Gröbel, D.; Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.; Lechner, M.; Engel, U.; Sieczkarek, P.; Wernicke, S.; Tekkaya, A.; Behrens, B.; Hübner, S.; Vucetic, M.; Koch, S.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of functional elements by sheet-bulk metal forming processes. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016)1, pp. 63-80
    • Besserer, H.; Dalinger, A.; Rodman, D.; Nürnberger, F.; Hildenbrand, P.; Merklein, M.; Maier, H.: Induction heat treatment of sheet-bulk metal formed parts assisted by water-air spray cooling. In: Steel Research International, 87(2016)9, pp. 1220-1227
    • Isik, K.; Gerstein, G.; Schneider, T.; Schulte, R.; , .; Clausmeyer, T.; Nürnberger, F.; Vucetic, M.; Koch, S.; Hübner, S.; Behrens, B.; Tekkaya, A.; Merklein, M.: Investigations of ductile damage during the process chains of toothed functional components manufactured by sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016)1, pp. 5-15
    • Merklein, M.; Lechner, M.; Gröbel, D.; Löffler, M.; Schneider, T.; Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.: Innovative approaches for controlling the material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming processes. In: Manufacturing Review, 3(2016)2, pp. 1-17
    • Landkammer, P.; Schneider, T.; Schulte, R.; Steinmann, P.; Merklein, M.: A non-invasive form finding method with application to metal forming. In: Production Engineering (Special Issue), 10(2016)1, pp. 93-102
    • Hildenbrand, P.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: A new strategy for manufacturing tailored blanks by a flexible rolling process. In: Materials Science Forum, 854(2016), pp. 99-105
    • Küstner, C.; Beyer, F.; Kumor, D.; Loderer, A.; Wartzack, S.; Willner, K.; Blum, H.; Rademacher, A.; Hausotte, T.: Simulation-based development of Pareto-optimized tailored blanks for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Marjanovic, D.; Storga, M.; Pavkovic, N.; Bojcetic, N.; Skec, S. (Edt.): DS 84: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference, (2016), Design Society, pp. 291-300
    • Löffler, M.; Engel, U.; Schulte, R.; Gröbel, D.; Krebs, E.; Freiburg, D.; Biermann, D.; Stangier, D.; Tillmann, W.; Weikert, T.; Wartzack, S.; Tremmel, S.; Lucas, H.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M.: Tribological measures for controlling material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016), pp. 459-470
    • Schulte, R.; Schneider, T.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Interaction of various functional elements in thin-walled cups formed by a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: K. Saanouni (Edt.): NUMIFORM 2016: The 12th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes , MATEC Web Conf. , (2016), pp. 07003


    • Merklein, M.; Löffler, M.; Schneider, T.: Plastic flow and its control in sheet-bulk metal forming of thin-walled functional components. In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64(2015)1, pp. 248-248
    • Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Sheet-bulk metal forming - potential and challenges of a new class of forming processes. In: Khan, A.; Yu, H.Y. (Edt.): Proceedings of PLASTICITY ’15: The Twenty First International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, (2015), pp. 169-171
    • Beyer, F.; Blum, H.; Kumor, D.; Rademacher, A.; Willner, K.; Schneider, T.: Experimental and simulative investigations of tribology in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Key Engineering Materials, 639(2015), pp. 283-290
    • Löffler, M.; Schneider, T.; Vierzigmann, U.; Engel, U.; Merklein, M.: Locally Adapted Tribological Conditions as a Method for Influencing the Material Flow in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes. In: Key Engineering Materials, 639(2015), pp. 267-274
    • Hildenbrand, P.; Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Flexible Rolling of Process Adapted Semi-finished Parts and its Application in a Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Process.. In: Key Engineering Materials, 639(2015), pp. 259-266
    • Hildenbrand, P.; Sieczkarek, P.; Matthias, S.; Löffler, M.; Besserer, H.; Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A.; Reithmeier, E.; Maier, H.: Inkrementelles Umformen dünnwandiger Funktionsbauteile unter Einsatz prozessangepasster Halbzeuge durch Verfahren der Blechmassivumformung. In: Tekkaya, A. E.; Liewald, M.; Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.-A. (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung 2015 - DFG Transregio 73, (2015), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, pp. 149-170
    • Loderer, A.; Timmermann, M.; Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Schneider, T.; Hausotte, T.; Reithmeier, E.: Measuring systems for sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Key Engineering Materials, 639(2015), pp. 291-298
    • Hildenbrand, P.; Schulte, R.; Merklein, M.: New process strategies to manufacture tailored blanks out of DP600 by orbital forming. In: Applied Mechanics and Materials, 794(2015), pp. 144-151
    • Merklein, M.; Gröbel, D.; Löffler, M.; Schneider, T.; Hildenbrand, P.: Sheet-bulk metal forming – forming of functional components from sheet metals. In: Y. Qin, T.A. Dean, J. Lin, S.J. Yuan, F. Vollertsen (Edt.): Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology, (2015), MATEC Web of Conferences, pp. 01001 1-12
    • Gröbel, D.; Hildenbrand, P.; Engel, U.; Merklein, M.: Influence of tailored blanks on forming of cold forged functional elements in a sheet bulk metal forming process. In: Metec, Stahl-Institut VDEh (Edt.): Proceedings METEC & 2nd ESTAT, (2015), published on CD


    • Schneider, T.; Vierzigmann, U.; Merklein, M.: Analysis of Varying Properties of Semi-finished Products in Sheet-bulk Metal Forming of Functional Components. In: J. W. Yoon, T. B. Stoughton, B. Rolfe, J. H. Beynon, P. Hodgson (Edt.): NUMISHEET 2014: The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, (2014), pp. 930-933
    • Merklein, M.; Schneider, T.; Gröbel, D.; Nürnberger, F.: Blechmassivumformung – vom Halbzeug zum Funktionsbauteil. In: Behrens, B. A. (Edt.): 21. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover, Industrie und Wissenschaft – Gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten, (2014), pp. 265-280
    • Merklein, M.; Andreas, K.; Gröbel, D.; Hildenbrand, P.; Müller, M.; Noneder, J.; Reiß, A.; Schneider, T.; Vierzigmann, U.: Potenziale und Grenzen der Simulation in der Fertigungstechnik. In: Simufact Engineering (Edt.): Tagungsband 15. RoundTable - Simulating Manufacturing, (2014), Marburg: ISBN: 978-3-9813814-3-6, published
    • Hildenbrand, P.; Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Application of Process adapted semi-finished Parts for the Production of Thin-walled Components via Sheet-Bulk Forming.. In: Kawalla, R. (Edt.): AutoMetForm / SFU 2014, (2014), Freiberg: ACATRAIN e.V., pp. 58-66
    • Loderer, A.; Hausotte, T.; Steinmann, P.; Merklein, M.; Landkammer, P.; Schneider, T.; Hildenbrand, P.: Development of a feature adapted measurement evaluation strategy. In: PTB open access repository (Edt.): MacroScale 2014 - Recent developments in traceable dimensional measurements, 10.7795/810.20150325P, (2014), Wien, pp. 1-13


    • Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components by a single-stage Sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: D. Dimitrov; C. Schutte (Edt.): Proc. Conf. Competitive Manufacturing, (2013), Stellenbosch, South Africa: ISBN Nr: 978-0-7972-1405-7, pp. 177-182
    • Opel, S.; Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components using flexible rolled tailored blanks. In: Key Engineering Materials, 554(2013), pp. 1459-1470
    • Merklein, M.; Hagenah, H.; Schneider, T.: Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes - State of the Art and its Perspectives. In: R. Kolleck (Edt.): TTP 2013 - Tools and Technologies for Processing Ultra High Strength Materials, (2013), Graz, Österreich: Verlag der TU Graz, pp. 197-204
    • Plettke, R.; Opel, S.: Investigations on orbital forming of sheet metals to manufacture tailored blanks with a defined sheet thickness variation. In: Advanced Materials Research, 769(2013), pp. 157-164
    • Vierzigmann, U.; Schneider, T.; Koch, J.; Merklein, M.; Engel, U.; Hense, R.; Biermann, D.; Krebs, E.; Kersting, P.; Lucas, H.; Denkena, B.; Herper, J.; Tillmann, W.; Stangier, D.: Untersuchungen von Tailored Surfaces für die Blechmassivumformung mittels angepasstem Ringstauchversuch. In: Merklein, M.; Behrens, B. A., Tekkaya, A. E. (Edt.): 2. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, (2013), Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 137-162
    • Merklein, M.; Hagenah, H.; Schneider, T.: Blechmassivumformung – Stand der Technik und Ausblick. In: Merklein, M.; Behrens, B. A., Tekkaya, A. E (Edt.): 2. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, (2013), Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 1-10



      • 08.01.2015: Schneider, T.: Sheet-bulk metal forming - potential and challenges of a new class of forming processes, Montego Bay
      • 27.02.2015: Hildenbrand, P.: Inkrementelles Umformen dünnwandiger Funktionsbauteile unter Einsatz prozessangepasster Halbzeuge durch Verfahren der Blechmassivumformung, 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung, Dortmund
      • 17.03.2015: Hildenbrand, P.: Flexible Rolling of Process Adapted Semi-finished Parts and its Application in a Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Process, Erlangen
      • 18.06.2015: Gröbel, D.: Influence of tailored blanks on forming of cold forged functional elements in a sheet bulk metal forming process, Düsseldorf, Germany
      • 06.08.2015: Merklein, M.: Sheet-bulk metal forming – forming of functional components from sheet metals, Glasgow
      • 08.09.2015: Hildenbrand, P.: New process strategies to manufacture tailored blanks out of DP600 by orbital forming, Hamburg


      • 08.01.2014: Schneider, T.: Analysis of Varying Properties of Semi-finished Products in Sheet-bulk Metal Forming of Functional Components, Melbourne, Australien
      • 27.02.2014: Merklein, M.: Blechmassivumformung – vom Halbzeug zum Funktionsbauteil, Hannover
      • 28.02.2014: Merklein, M.: Blechmassivumformung: Umformtechnik mit Zukunft, Potsdam
      • 07.04.2014: Plettke, R.: Mit Blechmassivumformung zu neuen Halbzeugen, Hannover
      • 20.05.2014: Merklein, M.: Potenziale und Grenzen der Simulation in der Fertigungstechnik, Marburg
      • 04.11.2014: Merklein, M.: Application of Process adapted semi-finished Parts for the Production of Thin-walled Components via Sheet-Bulk Forming, Freiberg
      • 26.11.2014: Merklein, M.: Blechmassivumformung - Stand heute, Hagen


      • 31.01.2013: Schneider, T.: Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components by a single-stage Sheet-bulk metal forming process, COMA'13, Stellenbosch, Südafrika
      • 22.04.2013: Hagenah, H.: Manufacturing of geared sheet metal components using flexible rolled tailored blanks, Aveiro, Portugal
      • 23.07.2013: Plettke, R.: Untersuchung zum Taumeln prozessangepasster Platinen mit definierter Dickenverteilung aus Blechhalbzeugen, Erlangen
      • 20.09.2013: Merklein, M.: Sheet-Bulk metal forming processes - State of the art and its perspective, Graz, Österreich
      • 13.11.2013: Merklein, M.: Blechmassivumformung – Stand der Technik und Ausblick, Erlangen
      • 13.11.2013: Koch, J.: Untersuchung von Tailored Surfaces für die Blechmassivumformung mittels angepasstem Ringstauchversuch, Erlangen