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A2 - Extrusion

Manufaction of Complex Extruded Functional Elements on Sheets

Project Status: finished

Last Update: 30.09.2020


One of the most relevant industrial forming processes is the cold extrusion, which enables a high material and energy efficiency. Furthermore, extruded components show beneficial mechanical properties, a high surface quality and can be produced with a near net-shape geometry. However, the application of cold forming processes for SBMF is limited due to an insufficient die filling and high tool loads. In order to meet these challenges and overcome resulting limitations, it is necessary to enhance the process understanding. This is achieved in project A2 by establishing two different reference processes, the lateral- (a) and the full-foward-extrusion (b), for the manufacturing of functional integrated geared components and the basic analysis of the occurring material flow and tool load in sheet-bulk metal forming processes. Through a combination of numerical and experimental analysis, similarities and differences between both processes are investigated. It is shown that design parameters, tribological conditions, as well as process parameters, substantially influence the process result, regarding achievable accuracy and tool load. The gained process understanding is used to identify limitations and to derive measures to expand the process boundaries.

tr73 website a2 v2



    • Reck, M.; Rohrmoser, A.; Jobst, A.; Pilz, F.; Merklein, M.: Forming of complex functional elements on sheet metal. In: M. Merklein, A.E. Tekkaya, B.-A. Behrens (Edt.): Sheet Bulk Metal Forming, (2021), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 30 - 52


    • Pilz, F.; Henneberg, J.; Merklein, M.: Extension of the forming limits of extrusion processes in sheet-bulk metal forming for production of minute functional elements. In: Manufacturing Review, 7(2020), pp. 1-12
    • Pilz, F.: Fließpressen von Verzahnungselementen an Blechen. In: FAU Studien aus dem Maschinenbau, (2020), Erlangen: FAU University Press, published


    • Merklein, M.; Gröbel, D.; Löffler, M.; Henneberg, J.: Investigation on blasted tool surfaces as a measure for material flow control in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Manufacturing Review, 6(2019), pp. 1-9
    • Pilz, F.; Merklein, M.: Comparison of Extrusion Processes in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming for Prodcution of Filigree Functional Elements. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (Edt.): 26(2019), published
    • Pilz, F.; Merklein, M.: Influence of component design in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: International Journal of Material Forming (Edt.): (2019), published


    • Pilz, F.; Merklein, M.: Numerical Research of Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Using a Forward and a Lateral Extrusion Process. In: Proceedings 51st ICFG Plenary Meeting (Edt.): (2018), Ohio, USA: ICFG - International Cold Forging Group, pp. 221-232
    • Pilz, F.; Gröbel, D.; Merklein, M.: Investigation of Fatigue Strength of Tool Steels in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: AIP Conference Proceedings (Edt.): (2018), The 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, accepted
    • Merklein, M.; Löffler, M.; Gröbel, D.; Henneberg, J.: Material flow control in sheet-bulk metal forming processes using blasted tool surfaces. In: Qin, Y.; Dean, T.A.; Lin, J.; Yuan, S. J.; Vollertsen, F (Edt.): MATEC Web of Conferences, (2018), published


    • Merklein, M.; Andreas, K.; Kraus, M.; Löffler, M.; Pilz, F.: Development and launching of an application-oriented test rig for wear investigations in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: THE"A" Coatings (Edt.): (2017), pp. 31-40