C5 - atmospheric plasma-nitriding (funding period 1)
Project Status: finished
Last Update: 17.01.2012
Working Groups
- Lizunkova, Y.: Lokales atmosphärisches Plasmanitrieren von Stählen zur Verbesserung der Oberflächeneigenschaften. Dissertation, Berichte aus dem IW 01/2016(2016), Garbsen: PZH Verlag, published
- Randzonenmodifikation von Fe-Basiswerkstoffen auf Grundlage einer Lichtbogenbehandlung. Dissertation, Universität Paderborn(2016), Paderborn, published
- Lizunkova, Y.; Hassel, T.; Bach, F.: Temperature control during the APN-process on the steel 1.3343. In: ESAFORM 2012 - Key Engineering Materials (Edt.): 504(2012), doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.504-506.1017, pp. 1017-1022
- Lizunkova, Y.; Hassel, T.; Bach, F.: Structure of surface zone of the steel 1.3343 after atmospheric plasma-nitriding. In: Bogorodskiy petschatnik (Edt.): (2012), XXIV Russia Conference on electron microscopy (RCEM-2012), pp. 132-133
- Bach, F.: Synthesis of Tribologically Favorable Coatings for Hot Extrusion Tools by Suspension Plasma Spraying. In: Thermal Spray Technology (Edt.): 21(2012)3, pp. 668-675
- Schaper, M.; Lizunkova, Y.; Vucetic, M.; Hetzner, H.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.; Koch, J.; Plugge, B.: Sheet-bulk metal forming a new process for the production of sheet metal parts with functional components. In: Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 3(2011)7, pp. 53-58
- Hassel, T.; Lizunkova, Y.; Birr, C.; Bach, F.: Structure and properties of surface zone of high-speed steel 1.3343 after atmospheric plasmanitriding. In: State Key Laboratory of Advanced and joining, HIT (Edt.): (2011), Harbin, China: the 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Based Ion Implantation & Deposition, pp. 50-51
- Hassel, T.; Bach, F.: Economic surface hardening by spray cooling. In: Heat Treatment Material (Edt.): 66(2011)5, pp. 290-296
- Hassel, T.; Bach, F.: Thermal treatment of contaminated concrete surfaces as a decommissioning method for Nuclear Power Plant Buildings. In: Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Stone and Concrete Machining (Edt.): (2011), Hannover, pp. 129-135
- Hassel, T.; Bach, F.: Hot-Wire-Plasmaschneiden mit exotherm abreagie-rendem Zusatzwerkstoff zur Erhöhung der Schneidleistung. In: KTG Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (Edt.): (2011), 10 Internationales Symposium "Konditionierung radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle", pp. 512-534
- Hassel, T.; Birr, C.; Bach, F.: Surface zone modification by atmospheric plasma-nitriding (APN) with the aid of the transmitted plasma-arc. In: Key Engineering Materials (Edt.): 438(2010), pp. 147-154
- Hassel, T.; Bach, F.: Manufacturing surface hardened components of 42CrMo4 by water-air spray cooling. In: Steel Research International (Edt.): 80(2009), pp. 906-915
- Bach, F.; Behrens, B.; Hassel, T.: Integrierte Wärmebehandlung komplexer Präzisionsschmiedebauteile mittels einer prozess- und geometrieangepassten Zwei-Phasen-Spraykühlung. In: 3rd International Conference on Accuracy in Formin Technology (Edt.): (2009), pp. 283-301
- 15.03.2012: Lizunkova, Y.: Analysis of temperature conditions during the APN-process on the steel 1.3343 , ESAFORM-12, Erlangen, Germany
- 10.09.2011: Lizunkova, Y.: Structure and properties of surface zone of high-speed steel 1.3343 after atmospheric plasma-nitriding, PBIID&SMMIB 2011, Harbin, China
- 15.04.2010: Birr, C.: Surface zone modification by atmospheric plasma-nitriding (APN) with the aid of the transmitted plasma arc, the coatings 2010; Erlangen