B1 - Self-Learning Engineering Assistance System (funding period 1)
Simultaneous Development of a Self-Learning Engineering Assistance System
Project Status: finished
Last Update: 01.08.2012
The aim of this subproject is to provide the developer with the necessary support yet at an early stage during the design for the product being suitable for production. This aim will be accomplished by the parallel development of a self-learning engineering work-bench containing an integrated multidimensional knowledge base. This procedure is performed simultaneously to the development of new manufacturing technologies. Furthermore this subproject consists of the intention to aid the development of the ma-nufacturing procedures by means of the self-learning engineering workbench concer-ning the question, which potential for product development purposes from a possible expansion of the boundaries of manufacturing procedures arises.
Working Groups
- Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: A classification system for secondary design features for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Lindemann, U.; Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Y.S.; et al. (Edt.): DS 75-5: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), (2013), Seoul: Design Society, pp. 039–048
- Weckenmann, A.; Reithmeier, E.; Merklein, M.; Wartzack, S.; Behrens, B.; Akkasoglu, G.; Ohrt, C.; Schneider, T.; Salfeld, V.; Breitsprecher, T.; Plugge, B.: Methodengestützte Referenzvorgehensweise für neue Umformverfahren. In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb ZWF, 107(2012)1, München: Hanser, pp. 43-47
- Breitsprecher, T.; Hense, R.; Hauer, F.; Wartzack, S.; Biermann, D.; Willner, K.: Acquisition of heuristic knowledge for the prediction of the frictional behavior of surface structures created by self-excited tool vibrations. In: Key Engineering Materials, 504(2012), Trans Tech Publications, pp. 963-968
- Ziegler, P.; Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: Application of sensitivities on simulation-data-based metamodels during the product synthesis. In: Marjanovic, D. (Edt.): Proceedings of 12th International Design Conference, (2012), Dubrovnik, pp. 589-598
- Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: Architecture and realization of a self-leraning engineering assistance system for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Hansen, P.; Rasmussen, J. (Edt.): Proceedings of 9th Norddesign Conference, (2012), Aalborg (Dänemark), published
- Ziegler, P.; Wartzack, S.: Visualization of simulation-data-based metamodels during the product synthesis. In: Rasmussen, J. (Edt.): Proceedings of 9th Norddesign Conference, (2012), Aalborg (Dänemark), pp. 638-645
- Röhner, S.; Breitsprecher, T.; Wartzack, S.: Acquisition of design-relevant knowledge within the development of sheet-bulk metal forming. 6(2011), Kopenhagen, pp. 108-120
- Schulz, E.; Röhner, S.; Wartzack, S.: Prediction of the Friction Behavior of Lubricated Tribological Systems Containing Amorphous Carbon Coatings Using Artificial Neural Networks(2011), San Diego, published
- Breitsprecher, T.; Hense, R.; Hauer, F.; Biermann, D.: Akquise von heuristischem Wissen für die Prädiktion von Oberflächenstrukturen beim Fräsen mit regenerativen Werkzeugschwingungen. In: DFG SFB TR 73 (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 1. Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011, (2011), pp. 77-96
- Wartzack, S.; Hetzner, H.; Röhner, S.: Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 'Blechmassivumformung' angelaufen(2010), Konstruktion 11/12-2010, pp. 52, 62
- Röhner, S.; Wartzack, S.: Anforderungen an die Wissensakquisitionskomponente eines selbstlernenden Assistenzsystems(2010), Magdeburg, pp. 91-96
- Röhner, S.; Wartzack, S.: Konzept für eine simulationsgetriebene-wissensbasierte Produktentwicklung im Umfeld mechatronischer Systeme(2010), Hamburg, pp. 223-234
- Wartzack, S.; Hetzner, H.; Röhner, S.: Neuer Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio angelaufen(2010), Bd. 105. ZWF 9 (2010), pp. 762
- Röhner, S.; Wartzack, S.: Comparison of Predictive Data Mining Methods for their Application in a Design Process(2010), Göteburg, published
- Röhner, S.; Gruber, G.; Wartzack, S.: Concept for the Architecture of a Self-Learning Engineering Assistance System(2010), Göteburg, published
- 19.08.2013: Breitsprecher, T.: A classification system for secondary design features for the use within sheet-bulk metal forming, ICED13, Seoul
- 14.03.2012: Breitsprecher, T.; Hense, R.; Hauer, F.: Acquisition of heuristic knowledge for the prediction of the frictional behavior of surface structures created by self-excited tool vibrations, ESAFORM 2012, Erlangen
- 23.08.2012: Breitsprecher, T.: Architektur und Umsetzung eines selbstlernenden Assistenzsystems für den Einsatz im Umfeld der Blechmassivumformung, Aalborg (Dänemark)
- 25.08.2010: Röhner, S.: Concept for the Architecture of a Self-Learning Engineering Assistance System, Göteburg
- 26.08.2010: Röhner, S.: Comparison of predictive data mining methods for their application in a design process, Göteburg
- 24.09.2010: Simulationsgetriebene-wissensbasierte Produktentwicklung im Umfeld mechatronischer Produkte, Hamburg
- 08.10.2010: Röhner, S.: Anforderungen an die Wissensakquisitionskomponente eines selbstlernenden Assistenzsystems, Magdeburg