Project Status: finished
Last Update: 19.01.2021
The focus of the project is the transfer of the fundamental knowledge on the fatigue behaviour of sheet bulk metal formed components, which was developed in subproject C6, to industrial applications. For this purpose, the developed fatigue life model is to be transferred to demonstrator components which are manufactured by a sheet bulk forming process and for which a subsequent heat treatment is planned to increase the hardness and to influence the residual stress state in a systematic way. For this purpose, a quenched and tempered steel was selected that has a significantly higher potential for martensitic hardening than the materials previously considered in the TR73. In close cooperation with the application partner IPG-IFUTEC Produktions GmbH a demonstrator workpiece is to be designed by a cold die rolling process. In this process a flanged shaft is produced from a semi-finished tube product, whereby the material is thickened at the flange. This is followed in the process chain under consideration here by an inductive heat treatment in combination with a water-air spray cooling, with which, in addition to an increase in hardness, a compressive residual stress condition that is favorable for the operational strength can be realized. For this purpose, an adapted heat treatment process is to be developed in cooperation with the company EMAG eldec Induction GmbH, in which quenching by spray cooling is carried out after inductive heating. This cooling strategy allows different cooling rates to be set, whereby the residual stresses of the components in the load-relevant edge area and thus the mechanical properties can be specifically adapted.