A1 - Deep Drawing (funding period 1)
Process combination for manufacturing of teethed, thin-walled functional components out of tailored blanks
Project Status: finished
Last Update: 02.07.2012
The focus of the project is on the setup and fundamental scientific analysis of a process combination suited for manufacturing of teethed, thin-walled functional components using tailored blanks by metal forming. In consequence of the trend towards shortened process chains, a tool concept which integrates a deep drawing und upsetting operation in a single forming stage was developed. Based on numerical results high loads on tool and workpiece had to be taken into account to achieve an adequate mould filling. To enhance the forming limits of this process combination concerning part quality, the use of tailored blanks with selected thickness characteristic was investigated and approved in FE-simulation. In the later course of the project, the numerical results have to be verified by an experimental setup as well as the potential of semi-finished products made by a flexible rolling process has to be shown.

Integrated deep drawing and upsetting tool (left) and intermediate shapes of the component (right)
Manufacturing of complex sheet metal components containing functional elements can be enabled by the application of bulk forming operations on planar semi-finished products. Considering a large contact area the forming process requires innovative concepts to reduce the forming forces. Within the subproject the manufacturing of process adapted tailored blanks with a defined sheet thickness characteristic and locally adapted mechanical properties is investigated. The applied forming processes are upsetting and flexible rolling. Aim of the project is the setup and fundamental scien-tific analysis of both forming processes. The prototypic rolling machine with a flexible process strategy enables the realisation of various blank layouts, designing the semi-finished products for successive forming operations.

Flexible rolling machine and numerical investigations of the rolling process
Working Groups
- Vogel, M.; Schulte, R.; Kaya, O.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of tailored blanks with pre-shaped involute gearings by using a flexible rolling process and its application in a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, (2021), accepted
- Vogel, M.; Schulte, R.; Hetzel, A.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Verfahrenskombination zur umformtechnischen Herstellung von verzahnten, dünnwandigen Funktionselementen aus prozessoptimierten Halbzeugen. In: Bernd-Arno Behrens (Edt.): Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Umformtechnik - 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover 04. und 05. März 2020, (2020), Hannover: TEWISS, pp. 178
- Hetzel, A.; Schulte, R.; Degner, J.; Merklein, M.: Maßgeschneiderte Halbzeuge - Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen zur Realisierung von Leichtbaukomponenten109(2019)10, Werkstattstechnik online, pp. 745-749
- Vogel, M.; Schulte, R.; Freiburg, D.; Lechner, M.; Biermann, D.; Merklein, M.: Maßgeschneiderte Werkzeugoberflächen in einem flexibeln Walzprozess. In: M. Merklein, B.-A. Behrens, A. E. Tekkaya (Edt.): 4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, (2019), FAU University Press, pp. 89-108
- Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of tailored blanks by orbital forming with a two-sided material thickening. In: Journal of Material Processing Technology, (2019), pp. 116491
- Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Flexible rolling of rotational symmetric tailored blanks with a two-sided thickness profile. In: Procedia Manufacturing, (2019), pp. 139-146
- Clausmeyer, T.; Nürnberger, F.; Gutknecht, F.; Isik, K.; Besserer, H.; Gerstein, G.; Wernicke, S.; Schulte, R.; Tekkaya, A.; Maier, H.: Analyse und Modellierung von Schädigung und Versagen in der Blechmassivumformung. In: 4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung : Umformtechnische Herstellung von komplexen Funktionsbauteilen mit Nebenformelementen aus Feinblechen, (2019), FAU University Press, submitted
- Gutknecht, F.; , .; Schulte, R.; Merklein, M.; Rosenbusch, D.; Koch, S.; Hübner, S.; Behrens, B.; Tekkaya, A.; Clausmeyer, T.: Comparison of strain-path indicators for analysis of processes in sheet-bulk metal forming . In: Yannis Korkolis, Brad Kinsey, Marko Knezevic, and Nikhil Padhye (Edtr.) (Edt.): Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, (2019), pp. 123-126
- Schulte, R.; Graser, M.; Merklein, M.: Enhancement of Forming Limits for Aluminum in Sheet-bulk Metal Forming by Local Laser Heat Treatment. In: Yannis Korkolis, Brad Kinsey, Marko Knezevic, and Nikhil Padhye (Edt.): Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, (2019), pp. 333-336
- Schulte, R.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of functional aluminum components by using sheet bulk metal forming processes. In: Dimitrov, Dimiter; Hagedorn-Hansen, Devon; Von Leipzig, Konrad (Edt.): International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA 19) Proceedings, (2019), pp. 331-336
- Hildenbrand, P.: Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Herstellung von Tailored Blanks mit definierten Halbzeugeigenschaften durch einen Taumelprozess. In: Jörg Franke, Nico Hanenkamp, Marion Merklein, Michael Schmidt, Sandro Wartzack (Edt.): FAU Studien aus dem Maschinenbau, (2019), Erlangen: FAU University Press, published
- Schulte, R.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Fundamental analysis of the application of hybrid semi-finished products in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: 1st International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes AJP 2019, (2019), published on CD
- Hildenbrand, P.; Lechner, M.; Vogel, M.; Herrmann, H.; Merklein, M.: Orbital forming of tailored blanks with two-sided local material thickening. In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97(2018), pp. 1-10
- , .; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of process adapted tailored blanks by a flexible rolling process using the aluminum alloy AA6016. In: Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), pp. 1224-1231
- Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Oberflächenanalyse von Tailored Blanks hergestellt durch ein Taumelverfahren. In: Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Bruno Buchmayr (Edt.): XXXVII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium, (2018), pp. 91-96
- Kirchen, I.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Hildenbrand, P.; Schulte, R.; Lechner, M.; Vogel, M.; Merklein, M.: Data-driven Model Development for Quality Prediction in Forming Technology. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), (2017), pp. 775-780
- Schulte, R.; Frey, P.; Hildenbrand, P.; Vogel, M.; Betz, C.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Data-Based Control of A Multi-Step Forming Process. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2017), pp. 012037
- Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.; Vogel, M.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Analysis of fundamental dependencies between manufacturing and processing Tailored Blanks in sheet-bulk metal forming processes. In: Procedia Engineering, (2017), pp. 305-310
- Schulte, R.; Lechner, M.; Vogel, M.; Hildenbrand, P.; Merklein, M.: Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen aus Tailored Blanks durch Blechmassivumformverfahren. In: 22. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover – Innovationspotentiale in der Umformtechnik. 15./16.03.2017, (2017), published
- Vogel, M.; Lechner, M.; Hildenbrand, P.; Schulte, R.; Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of tailored blanks by flexible rolling and its application in a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: Wieland (Edt.): Proceedings SCT2017, (2017), Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, published on CD
- Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Designing, manufacturing and processing of Tailored Blanks in a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: Procedia Manufacturing, (2017), pp. -
- Merklein, M.; Lechner, M.; Gröbel, D.; Löffler, M.; Schneider, T.; Schulte, R.; Hildenbrand, P.: Innovative approaches for controlling the material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming processes. In: Manufacturing Review, 3(2016)2, pp. 1-17
- Löffler, M.; Engel, U.; Schulte, R.; Gröbel, D.; Krebs, E.; Freiburg, D.; Biermann, D.; Stangier, D.; Tillmann, W.; Weikert, T.; Wartzack, S.; Tremmel, S.; Lucas, H.; Denkena, B.; Merklein, M.: Tribological measures for controlling material flow in sheet-bulk metal forming. In: Production Engineering, 10(2016), pp. 459-470
- Schulte, R.; Schneider, T.; Lechner, M.; Merklein, M.: Interaction of various functional elements in thin-walled cups formed by a sheet-bulk metal forming process. In: K. Saanouni (Edt.): NUMIFORM 2016: The 12th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes , MATEC Web Conf. , (2016), pp. 07003
- Gröbel, D.; Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: Tekkaya, A.E.; Homberg, W.; Brosius, A. (Edt.): 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming, (2015), Springer, pp. 101-106
- Merklein, M.; Plettke, R.; Schneider, T.; Opel, S.: Manufacturing of sheet metal components with variants using process adapted semi-finished products. In: Key Engineering Materials, 504(2012), Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications, pp. 1023-1028
- Weckenmann, A.; Reithmeier, E.; Merklein, M.; Wartzack, S.; Behrens, B.; Akkasoglu, G.; Ohrt, C.; Schneider, T.; Salfeld, V.; Breitsprecher, T.; Plugge, B.: Methodengestützte Referenzvorgehensweise für neue Umformverfahren. In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb ZWF, 107(2012)1, München: Hanser, pp. 43-47
- Merklein, M.; Plettke, R.; Opel, S.: Orbital forming of tailored blanks from sheet metal. In: Annals of the CIRP, 1(2012)61, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 263-266
- Merklein, M.; Schneider, T.: Functional Integration of Sheet Metal Parts by Deep Drawing(2011), Steel Research International - Special Edition ICTP 2011, pp. 1036-1041
- Schneider, T.; Merklein, M.: Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming of Preformed Sheet Metal Parts(2011), Schweiz, pp. 83-90
- Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A.; Brosius, A.; Opel, S.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Plugge, B.; Schunck, S.: Machines and Tools for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: Key Engineering Materials, 473(2011), Schweiz: Trans Tech Publications, pp. 91-98
- Merklein, M.; Koch, J.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.: Fundamental investigations on the material flow at combined sheet and bulk metal forming processes. In: Annals of the CIRP, 1(2011)60, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 283-286
- Merklein, M.; Tekkaya, A.; Brosius, A.; Opel, S.; Koch, J.: Overview on Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes. In: G. Hirt, A.E. Tekkaya (Edt.): Proceedings ICTP 2011, 10(2011), Aachen, pp. 1109-1114
- Merklein, M.; Behrens, B.; Plettke, R.; Krimm, R.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.; Salfeld, V.: Integrierte Fertigung von tiefgezogenen Blechbauteilen mit Verzahnungselementen unter Einsatz von prozessangepassten Halbzeugen. In: M. Merklein (Edt.): Tagungsband zum 1. Erlanger Workshop Blechmassivumformung 2011, (2011), Bamberg: Meisenbach, pp. 159-180
- Schaper, M.; Lizunkova, Y.; Vucetic, M.; Hetzner, H.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.; Koch, J.; Plugge, B.: Sheet-bulk metal forming a new process for the production of sheet metal parts with functional components. In: Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 3(2011)7, pp. 53-58
- Merklein, M.; Opel, S.; Schneider, T.: Herstellung funktionaler Blechkomponenten. In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 11(2010), Düsseldorf: Springer, pp. 910-915
- Merklein, M.; Opel, S.: Investigation of Tailored Blank Production by the New Process Class Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming . In: F. Chinesta, Y. Chastel, M.E. Mansori (Edt.): International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT2010), 1315(2010), Melville, USA: AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 395-400
- Merklein, M.; Koch, J.; Schneider, T.; Opel, S.; Vierzigmann, U.: Manufacturing of Complex Functional Components with Variants by Using a new Metal Forming Process – Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. In: International Journal of Metrial Forming, (2010), Paris: Springer, pp. 347-350
- Merklein, M.: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process. In: Ruan, X.-Y. (Hrsg.): Proc. of 42nd ICFG Plenary Meeting(2009), published
- 15.03.2012: Opel, S.: Manufacturing of sheet metal components with variants using process adapted semi-finished products, Erlangen
- 18.04.2011: Opel, S.: Machines and Tools for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, Leuven
- 18.04.2011: Opel, S.: Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming of Preformed Sheet Metal Parts, Leuven
- 28.09.2011: Schneider, T.: Functional Integration of Sheet Metal Parts by Deep Drawing, ICTP, Aachen
- 13.10.2011: Plettke, R.: Integrierte Fertigung von tiefgezogenen Blechbauteilen mit Verzahnungselementen unter Einsatz von prozessangepassten Halbzeugen, 1. Workshop Blechmassivumformung, Erlangen, Germany
- 09.04.2010: Schneider, T.: Manufacturing of Complex Functional Components with Variants by Using a New Metal Forming Process – Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, ESAFORM 2010, Brescia
- 25.10.2010: Opel, S.: Investigation of Tailored Blank Production by the Process Class Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming, Paris